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Transformation Time

I love this time of year.  You can’t walk into any store without the yoga clothing front and center (well, at least where I shop) and green smoothie sales are through the roof.  It’s the time of the year when we start–or restart.  There is potential and optimism in the air and people are trying to take better care of their bodies and implement changes (cue the smoothies) into their routine for better health.  I just love it ALL.

With all this change in the air,  I’m theming my classes this week on manifestation, asking my students to close their eyes and see what they’d like for themselves in 2016.  Not something material, but something truly transformative, something they could only wish to create.  What is it that you want for yourself this year?  See it, feel it, smell it, hear it–and you’ll get more comfortable with your beautiful mental image, and hopefully bring it closer to becoming a reality.  I ask my students to create an affirmation in the present tense, as if it is happening already, and to circle back to it throughout the practice.

I started reading “Presence” by Amy Cuddy on last week.   The premise is that bold body language and holding onto “power poses” (think Wonder Woman) allow us to get big on the inside, too.  These physical positions bring a greater chance of success to our life, our interactions, our mental positions.  I found it coincidental that our son’s wrestling coach invited a coach in from Boston University who shared something similar to the team.  So as we watched our son prepare for his match on Saturday there he was on the sideline, building confidence with a power pose.  And yes, it worked.

Power poses….yoga warriors….what is the difference?  Very little if you ask me!  So as you start looking within for how you want to chart your own year, think big and bold. Tell the universe what you want. Throw your arms up in the air or hold a warrior to build confidence.  And then let the universe unfold.

Oh My Cod

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy!
  • Print page

I made this amazing cod last night that even the picky fish eaters loved.  It’s so easy I thought I’d share it here.  We ate it before I even got a photo!

2 Pounds of cod–>opt for wild caught
1 Lemon
1 Bunch of fresh oregano (yes, fresh!)
Olive oil

1. Put a little olive oil in your baking dish and place the cod fillet(s) in the dish so they are not overlapping at all
2. Zest your lemon on top of the fish
3. Juice your lemon and pour it over the fish
4. Drizzle a little olive oil on top
5. Chop up the whole bunch of oregano–should be 1/4-1/2 cup of oregano–and sprinkle it on top of the fish
6. Bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes or until done




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