Fran Karoff Yoga

Jumping in!

Sometimes you just have to go for it.  That message was reinforced this past weekend. My husband researched a swimming hole in New Hampshire that we went to with our son after a good, sweaty hike up Mount Cardigan.   The swimming hole, aptly called “Sculpted Rocks,” offered several steep spots to jump into a crevasse between jumbled and worn boulders, all equally perilous from my jaded point of view.  You see, I come from a long line of worriers and it doesn’t take much for that whining voice in my head to start up: “anything could happen,” “what’s down there?,” “that’s a really long way down,” among the other refrains running through my consciousness.  But as it happens, my mentor once told me “courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.”

I know I screamed on my way down, and I think my tankini tank exposed my belly (horrors!).  As I smacked into the water I felt relieved, exhilarated, not even noticing how cold the water was.

Change is a lot like jumping in.  Sometimes you just have to go for it.  Don’t look over the edge and ponder it too much, because that voice in your head will take over and usher you to safety.  And then what?  Then you wouldn’t have had the chance to fly, to experience the exhilaration, the possible humiliation, the….LIVING.

I’ve been turning a lot of my clients onto spiralizing their veggies this summer.  It’s new–not a big jump–just a baby step.  Here’s a fun summery recipe to try, thanks to the Olde Post Office Cafe in Mount Vernon, Maine, where I discovered something like it in June.  Enjoy!

  • Servings: 4 as a side dish
  • Difficulty: super easy!
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1 medium zucchini, spiralized

Dressing (these measurements are rough–adjust to your preference):
~1/4 cup olive oil
~1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2T of Lemon flavored San Pelligrino (yes, the fizzy drink).  Can try substituting with lemon juice but it won’t be as sweet
pinch of salt
a lot of fresh ground pepper
1 clove of garlic, crushed

Mix the dressing together and taste for the best balance of flavors (you might prefer it sweeter, more sour, etc).  Toss onto the zucchini noodles, grind a bit more fresh pepper on top, and serve.

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